Every dorm hall has its traditions. Stanford’s reflects its wholesome camaraderie, faith, and contagious revelry.
Pirate Dance and Pirate Week
“Arghhh!” You can’t escape that word in Stanford during Pirate Week, which is the week leading up to our SYR, the beloved Pirate Dance. SYR originally stood for “screw your roommate,” wherein roommates would pick each other’s dates. That tradition is long gone. Today, SYRs are synonymous with loud music, funny outfits, and dorm bonding. Pirate Week is filled with pirate-related celebration which ends with Griffins all dressing up in our best thrifted pirate attire and marching out to the Pirate Dance tent.

Mardi Scraw
New to Stanford in 2023 and originated by a group of Louisianan Griffins, Mardi Scraw is to become North Quad’s celebration of Mardi Gras. A Stanford-only event in its debut, the Louisianan Griffins cooked up some authentic Andouille sausage, pillowy King Cake, and genuine live Louisiana jazz. Stanford looks forward to seeing how they top themselves this year.
Faith Traditions
Sunday Mass
Our Catholic faith runs deep and our Mass attendance is high all week long. Sunday Mass is the best part of each week. Please join us.
Communio Retreat
This is a highlight of the year. Griffins come back a few days early from Christmas Break to spend time with each other and God. Griffins who have gone have not regretted it!
Check out our faith traditions.